Order the book

When you live in the Netherlands, and you want to order a book, click here (this link brings you to the website of the Foundation for the History of Technology)

When you live in Taiwan and you want to order the Chinese or English version of Since 1624: Taiwanese-Dutch connections:

Please pay the amount of 1,200 NT$ on the following bank account:

CTBC Bank 中國信託銀行
Account name: 賀安娟
Account: 134540043422
Bank Code: 822 
Bank branch: 富錦分布, 台北, 松山區

After payment, you can pick up the book at one of the following moments:

  • Wednesday October 16; between 16:00-18:00

Location: The Netherlands Office Taipei (11073 Taipei City Xinyi District Songgao Road no.1, Floor 13 (please use the intercom in the lobby)).

荷蘭在台辦事處 (台北市信義區松高路1號13樓)

Please inform NLOT in advance by sending an e-mail to lisa.laeven@nlot.org.tw  with the following information:

  • When you choose will pick up your book(s).
  • If you want a Chinese or English version.
  • Please add a printscreen or copy of your payment.

Please bring your ID to the appointment.


如果您住在臺灣,並欲訂購《自1624年以來:臺灣與荷蘭的連結》(Since 1624: Taiwanese-Dutch connections)中文版或英文


中國信託銀行 中國信託銀行





匯款後,請寄信至 lisa.laeven@nlot.org.tw荷蘭在台辦事處,並提供以下資訊:

1. 欲取書時段(以下提供四個取書時段)。

2. 欲購買的版本與數量。

3. 匯款完成明細或收據影本。


10 月 16 日 星期三: 16:00-18:00



